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Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter

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Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter model PNC-αβ is a micro-controller based, economical, stand alone, mains operated instrument for Dual Channel Nuclear Counting application for Alpha – Beta radiations. It is a versatile instrument designed to cater the counting application requirements.

Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter Model PNC-αβ, uses Composite Detector (Plastic Scintillator and ZnS(Ag) Scintillator) for detection and measurement of alpha / beta radiation. High voltage required for the detector is generated in instrument. The load resistor for Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT) and the front end electronics for pulse processing circuits for the detector is housed in unit.

Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter Model PNC-αβ, stores 1000 counts data (500 Alpha + 500 Beta) in a non-volatile memory. It generates formatted USB 2.0 output for transferring data to PC. USB male connector on the front panel is provided for transferring the data to PC. Support software for data transfer in Windows environment, is provided with system.

Model PNC-αβ is useful for radiation counting for Health Physics applications in radioisotope laboratories, nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine centers etc.

A Drawer Assembly to hold 1" dia or 2" dia filter paper is supplied as standard accessory. The detector mounts upside down on the drawer assembly such that myler face of the detector is just 2 mm above the sample filter paper.

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Air Flow Monitor, Broken Bag Indicator, Coating Thickness Gauges, Coating Thickness Testers, Destructive Tester, Dual Channel Alpha Beta Counter, Para Nuclear Counter, Plating Testing Machinery, Plating Thickness Testing Machinery, Static Charge Controller, Testing Gauges For Thickness, Thickness Testers, Thickness Testing Gauges